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what's happening?



Individuals Foster Healing Through the Ripple of Their Voices

We are living in unprecedented times in 2020, battling a global pandemic with the isolation involved and addressing deep injustices woven into the fabric and history of the USA that have erupted on the streets of our cities. The Black Lives Matter and Indigenous movements for equality and equity have risen to an undeniable, conscious clarity in the news. Equally and vitally important, a fragile election is almost upon us.


The Heartland Project Inc has invited individuals to share their personal experiences and views of these unique, stressful times.

Valued Voices coming soon. Please check back.

All Heartland Project Inc. events are initiated "in the spirit of making new memories."


Every group, culture, race, religion and gender in the USA has unique yet common issues that relate to all "others."


We are living in one of the most challenging times in history where it is imperative that we dig deep to find a little more effort to show up for a bigger "we." We need each other to hold onto, to inspire, to accept, and learn simple ways to become an ally. Our diverse panel will explore just that.

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