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The Heartland Project Inc.'s Statement on Our Responsibility & Commitment During This Time of Great Social Change & the Global Pandemic

The world almost stopped this past year as most countries shut down in the Covid-19 quarantine. In addition to the psychological and economic effects of that isolation, the USA experienced a series of powerful marches and unfortunate riots that starkly and undeniably revealed the historically entrenched racism and classism in every institution and aspect of our society. If we are honest, we know nothing will ever be the same, and that is truly for the best.


The USA is among the countries with the highest Covid-19 deaths in the world, which is a testament to the former administration. Under their direction--based on pathological greed, misinformation, and arrogant indifference to the unmonied population--anger, hate, and fear became volcanic. All manner of suffering, depression, and grief took even deeper root. People were already on edge as the country had witnessed (and continues to witness) a staggering number of deaths and injuries from hate crimes (based on color, creed, gender, or sexual orientation), mass shootings, and police brutality.


During this time we have also seen--among many individuals and groups--a growing awareness of the need for deep social change and equity, and a more accurate and inclusive history of this country. Either through a sudden epiphany or a gradual realization of how little truth has been taught in our schools and universities, many have realized that we cannot continue to live in a democratic republic with the current level of ignorance. This urge for trustworthy change is borne of the inherent compassion, resilience, generosity, and love that we hope lies within even the coldest heart.


We are a nation in grief as we acknowledge the inclusive and true history in our blood-soaked soil and society. We aspire to educate ourselves and accept the facts of our history. We aspire to reach across divisions to dialogue with those who are different than us and to listen to the stories of those who have not been heard in their search for justice. We aspire to tread the road of education, healing, and forgiveness with companions who will also be teachers. This work is our duty, our commitment to help create a truly equitable world for all. We know we have a long road ahead. We also know that we will learn what rich strength diverse cultures have added to society as well as what we all have in common. With respect and curiosity, we can enjoy this careful work of finding ways to take care of one another and making new memories toward healing.

All Heartland Project Inc. events are initiated "in the spirit of making new memories."


Every group, culture, race, religion and gender in the USA has unique yet common issues that relate to all "others."


We are living in one of the most challenging times in history where it is imperative that we dig deep to find a little more effort to show up for a bigger "we." We need each other to hold onto, to inspire, to accept, and learn simple ways to become an ally. Our diverse panel will explore just that.

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